On line surveys for Kallmann syndrome / CHH patients.

Using "Survey Monkey" I have set up 4 separate surveys.

Survey 1. Initial survey

Survey 2. Symptoms and diagnosis

Survey 3. Body image, sex and sexuality

Survey 4. Depression and emotional issues.

The surveys will be open for another month.

Links below.







Thank you to those who have already completed them. Once completed, the results will be compiled together and I will publish them here and in the Facebook groups. The aim is to provide an overall picture of the experiences of fellow patients and to see the similarities and differences.

The results are totally anonymous, there is absolutely no record of where the results have come from. It is purely a question of collecting numbers. I hope fellow patients can gain some insight into their own condition by seeing the responses of other patients.


Patient meeting in Boston, USA. 17th November 2018.


Anonymous survey for KS / CHH patients.