Interview about Kallmann syndrome on BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine show.

Recently I was on the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 talking about Kallmann syndrome. It was only a brief interview but I tried to mention as many of the major points as I could. I was on the show as part of a segment on rare medical conditions with the show's resident doctor, Dr Sarah Jarvis.

This is the link to the show. The interview starts at about 1 hour 9 mins into the show.

Jeremy Vine BBC2 radio show. 21st March 2016.

This link on the BBC website might only be active for a short time. He is a link to just the interview part:

Kallmann syndrome interview

There was so much else I could have talked about and it was a shame it was such a brief interview. However I am very grateful for the opportunity to raise awareness of the condition and am quite keen to do more in the future if I can.


BBC Radio interview on Kallmann syndrome.


Kallmann Syndrome Questions and Update