Attending European Society of Paediatric Endocrinologists (ESPE) meeting 2024.
I recently attended a meeting of ESPE - European Society of Paediatric Endocrinologists in Liverpool, UK. I attended presenations relevant to Kallmann syndrome / hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
The three presentations were on genetic testing for HH patients, mini puberty and treatment of adult HH patients.
Points of interest:
A couple of Danish studies that link low testosterone levels in mini puberty to language and social skills later in life.
The lack of hormones in mini puberty is more apparent in males than females, but can be detected in both.
The presentation on adult KS / CHH mentioned vasomotor effects as a symptom - hot flushes and sweating.
Mini puberty is important for testicular descent, penile growth and fertility chances in males.
Mini puberty is important for breast and uterine development in females, but fertility chances should not be affected.